Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Cronicas de una Problematica II

He hablado con mi amor y el ha aliviado mis penas. Now I like myself better than I did before. :)

Vaya cambio! Y todo gracias a una llamada telefonica!

Mamor, te amo... :)
Gracias por estar siempre ahi. Eres, fuiste y siempre vas a ser lo mejor que me ha pasado, y mi persona favorita en tooooooodo el universo.

Crisis de una Problematica Adictiva.

Hoy día me pregunto, por que seré tan problemática? Es terrible esta forma en la que vivo, creándome problemas por todo. Y en verdad, mis problemas son mayormente producidos por mis constantes maquinaciones mentales que hacen que la mínima cosa se vuelva conflictiva. No se que hacer, quisiera poder ser de esas personas que no se toman muy en serio y que viven la vida como venga, superando todo y no dando mayores vueltas a las cosas que pasan, pero no.

Hoy he pasado un mal día única y exclusivamente por dinero. Absurdo, no? No es que me falta dinero, tampoco es que me sobra, pero definitivamente tenemos lo suficiente como para vivir tranquilamente (si andamos con cuidado, claro). Pero hoy día me he puesto caprichosa y he querido cosas que no puedo comprar y por eso me puse triste, y después me encontré con otras cosas que debo pagar y otros inconvenientes de esos que me han puesto aun peor. Y es ridículo, por que el dinero es ridículo! Pero igual estoy dejando que esto me afecte y la única persona que logra sacarme de este tipo de preocupaciones no esta aquí, esta en USA, así que estoy hundida en mi pesar sin ver salida alguna.

Y ese es otro problema: dependo de alguien mas que me haga ver la luz al final del camino. Aunque se que todo va a estar bien, eventualmente, no logro quitar de mi esa fea sensación de incertidumbre y miedo de lo que pueda pasar si las cosas se me salen de las manos. Y es que obviamente, en este mismo momento, mis finanzas personales no están en mis manos por completo. Empezando por que no tengo trabajo y esto me tiene bastante mal. Necesito una fuente de ingresos mensuales y no tenerla me saca de control.

Hoy día vi un anuncio en el Tube en el que planteaban la pregunta, "If you met yourself, do you think you would like you?" y tan pronto la lei me respondi hacia mi misma, "No, I don't think I would like me. I would consider myself too dull, too boring, too scared".

I definitely do not like myself today.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

"It's All About Finesse"

“It’s all about finesse” is the name of one of my favourite posts in a Weblog ever. Written by one of the co-founders of Blogger, Meg Hourihan, "It's all about finesse" narrates Meg's experience meeting the chef and owner of a restaurant called "The French Laundry", Thomas Keller.
Meg is magnificent in her description of the food that she and her partner enjoyed at Keller’s restaurant and her later meeting with Keller himself, who signed one of the menus and gave it to Meg as a souvenir of that night, which Meg describes as “the most amazing night of [her] life”. In the menu, as if giving her the answer to his awe-inspiring dexterity in the kitchen, Keller wrote what is now the title of this post, “It’s all about Finesse”.

So, here it is, for your enjoyment,
Meg Hourihan’s, It’s all about Finesse

Monday, September 12, 2005


mierda! acabo de escribir un post irremediablemente negativo e idiota y la mierda de blogger se lo trago y ahora no puedo postearlo!

bueno, ya, ahi se quedo, no leeran mis negatividades.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

One moment in the life of an artist

On your right, a 'frog' I drew when I was a couple years old, back at my parents home in Ecuador. After more than 20 years living in my mom's closet, the frog is in danger of disappearing behind a couple of layers of wall paint as in a few days my parents will move out of the house where they have lived for almost 30 years.

There is no way to save my frog from imminent death as the wall where I drew it is shared with out next-door neighbours, and trying to break the wall and take out that peace would be a mess. I asked my dad, for that reason, to take some pictures of the frog so that some part of it survives even after the paint covers it completely.

There is not much more to say about the frog besides that it is one of the many memories that link our lives to our house; memories that are so many in number that moving out of the place has turned out to be emotionally challenging. Although ours is an old house (and it desperately needs a remodelling), its old walls, its color, the chipped door edges, the darkness and the noisy roof are some of the aspects that, together with our lives, made of that house a home. A home where I grew up, my brother grew up, my parents became who they are, and the four of us became a family. So, for all those reasons, cheers to the house, to the home, and to the memories! May there be other places as that house where our past, present and future can remain just as safe and for so many years!

Ah! By the way, I've 'stolen' the title of this post from one of David Sedaris' stories, "Twelve Moments in the Live of an Artist". In case you don't know him, David Sedaris is a comedy-satire writer from the US whose work is mostly based on his personal experiences as a child, a gay adult, an expatriate in London and Paris, and a member of a pretty extravagant family. I find his narratives so entertaining and appealing not only for how amusing, but also for how human they are, and in case you learn about his work, either look for him at the bookstore or listen to him at “This American Life”, a radio program distributed by the National Public Radio, NPR, in the US.

Monday, September 05, 2005

El Gato Azul

El Gato Azul, el blog de una muchacha mexicana llamada Caro. La he leido por apenas un par de dias pero desde ya me gusta mucho lo que he encontrado en su sitio. Sumamente recomendable si te gusta leer positivismos en la vida diaria de alguien.